2D Geotechnical Engineering Software
Solve Geotechnical Challenges
Trusted Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis Software
Every project is challenging, but the geotechnical analysis doesn’t have to be. PLAXIS 2D provides the power of fast computations. Perform advanced finite element or limit equilibrium analysis of soil and rock deformation and stability, as well as soil structure interaction, groundwater, and heat flow.
User-friendly, Finite Element Software
PLAXIS capabilities work together to build a powerful and intuitive finite element package for geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, and associated structures. Renowned for sound computation, PLAXIS offers a large range of material models to accurately model the behavior of various soils and rock types, which together provide realistic assessment of stresses and displacements.
Fast and Efficient, Finite Element Model Creation
PLAXIS guides users across several modes to efficiently create models with a logical geotechnical workflow. PLAXIS 2D models geometry via predefined structural element types and loading types using CAD-like drawing capabilities that lead to fast and efficient finite-element model creation.
For tunnel solutions, a designer wizard builds off quick creation and can edit tunnel cross-sections, specify reinforcements, tunnel lining, and loading conditions. The Mesh mode features automatic and manual mesh refinements, automatic generation of irregular and regular meshes, and capabilities to inspect the mesh quality.
Drive efficiency with multidiscipline workflows
Create logical geotechnical digital workflows that take projects from subsurface imports through design and analysis to various outputs.
Get the essentials to perform everyday deformation and safety analysis for soil and rock.
PLAXIS 2D Advanced
Get everything that is in the basic PLAXIS 2D, plus more advanced features.
• Consider creep, flow-deformation coupling
• Consolidation analysis
• Steady state groundwater
• Heat flow
PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
Extend the capabilities of PLAXIS 2D Advanced
• Analyze the effects of vibrations
• Simulate hydrological, time-dependent variations of water levels, or flow functions
• Assess the effects of transient heat flow
PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite
Most comprehensive!
• PLAXIS 2D Ultimate
• PLAXIS 2D LE for limit equilibrium analysis
Eliminate The Complexity. Choose PLAXIS.
PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user-friendly finite-element (FE) software for 2D analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. PLAXIS 2D is ideal for a range of applications from excavations, embankments, and foundations to tunneling, mining, oil and gas, and reservoir geomechanics.
PLAXIS 2D includes all the essentials to perform deformation and safety analysis for soil and rock that do not require the consideration of creep, steady state groundwater or thermal flow, consolidation analysis, or any time-dependent effects.
PLAXIS 2D Advanced includes everything that is included in PLAXIS 2D, plus it further enhances your geotechnical design capabilities with more advanced features and material models. You can consider creep, flow-deformation coupling through consolidation analysis and steady state groundwater or heat flow. It also solves your problems faster than PLAXIS 2D with the multicore solver.
PLAXIS 2D Ultimate extends the capabilities of PLAXIS 2D Advanced, so you can deal with the most challenging geotechnical projects.
- Analyze the effects of vibrations in the soil, such as earthquake and traffic loads
- Simulate complex hydrological time-dependent variations of water levels, or flow functions on model or soil boundaries
- Assess the effect of transient heat flow on the hydraulic and mechanical behavior of soil
PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite includes everything that you get with PLAXIS 2D Ultimate, plus you get PLAXIS 2D LE. It’s the most comprehensive 2D option.
Since it includes PLAXIS 2D LE, you can also model and analyze projects for limit equilibrium slope stability analysis and perform finite element analysis of groundwater seepage in both unsaturated and saturated soils.
PLAXIS 2D At-A-Glance
PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user-friendly finite-element (FE) package for 2D analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics, used worldwide by top engineering firms and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. With a broad range of advanced features in a single integrated software package, PLAXIS 2D is used in geotechnical challenges ranging from excavations, embankments, onshore or offshore foundations to tunneling, mining, and reservoir geomechanics.
The user-friendly PLAXIS interface guides users across several modes to efficiently create models with a logical geotechnical workflow. Benefit from fast and efficient finite-element model creation via CAD-like geotechnical drawing applications. Utilize multiple boreholes in Soil mode to quickly create ground profiles or geological cross-sections. In Structures mode, add structural elements like plates, discontinuities, piles, and prescribed loads or displacements etc. For tunnel solutions, a designer wizard offers quick creation of tunnel cross-sections, reinforcements, tunnel lining, and loading conditions. Mesh mode features automatic and manual mesh refinements, automatic generation of irregular and regular meshes, and capabilities to inspect the mesh quality. It is also possible to import geometry from CAD files, or fully automate model generation by using Python-based scripting.
Accurately model the construction process by (de)activating soil/rock clusters and structural elements in each calculation phase in Staged construction mode. Perform the relevant geotechnical analysis by selecting between plastic, safety, and consolidation analysis as well as dynamic or fully coupled flow-deformation analysis. Employ various constitutive models ranging from simple linear to advanced highly nonlinear models that allow accurate simulation of most soil and rock types. Well-proven and robust calculation procedures ensure that calculations converge and provide accurate results for the most common or complex models, excelling in settlement, thermal, groundwater flow or dynamic analysis.
The versatile Output program offers various ways to display forces, displacements, stresses, velocities, accelerations, temperature, and flow data shown in contour, vector, and iso-surface plots. Cross-section capabilities allow areas of interest to be inspected in more detail, and data can be copied from tables for further postprocessing in other software. The curve manager enables the creation of graphs that can plot various results across a selection of calculation phases. Python scripting allows Output results to be used in connected external applications or automated modeling workflows in the PLAXIS ecosystem.

• Tunnel deconfinement
• CAD Import and Export*
• Nonlinear geogrids: Elastoplastic (N-ε) and Viscoelastic (time-dependent)
• Discontinuity element to model fractured or jointed rocks
• Polar and rectangular array
• Nonlinear embedded beam (M-ĸ diagrams)
• Connections
• Tunnel Designer with easy definition of rockbolts*
• Automate processes with full command line support and remote scripting API *
* Some features are dependent on product level or SELECT® entitlement.
• Industry standard soil models: Hardening Soil, HSsmall, Soft Soil and Soft Soil Creep
• Rock models: Jointed rock, Hoek-Brown with parameter guide, N2PC rock creep model with MC failure criterion
• Concrete
• UDCAM-S with cyclic accumulation and optimization tool
• User-defined soil models*
• Static and dynamic liquefaction models: NorSand, UBCSand, PM4Sand, PM4Silt
* Some features are dependent on product level or SELECT® entitlement.
• Well-proven and robust calculation procedures
• Multicore computing
• K0, Gravity loading and Field stress for initial stress calculations
• Distinguish between a plastic calculation, safety, or consolidation analysis
• Facilities for steady-state and transient groundwater or thermal flow calculations, including flow-related material parameters, boundary conditions, drains, and wells
• Pseudo-static and dynamic analysis, including dynamics with consolidation and free field and compliant base boundary conditions
• Specify load, acceleration, head or temperature variations through time with linear, harmonic, or table functions
• Fully coupled flow-deformation analysis
• Convenient and intuitive Phase explorer
• Automatic regeneration of construction stages for geometric changes
* Some features are dependent on product level or SELECT® entitlement.
• Realistic assessment of stresses and displacements
• Vector, contour, and iso-surfaces plots of displacement, stress, pore pressure, temperature, or acceleration
• Use the Output command line to display plots, generate cross-sections or save plots with user-defined resolution
• Curves Manager to create load vs. displacement,
• Pseudospectral acceleration plots, or cross-section curves
• Automatic centerline extraction for structural forces plots
• Structural forces in volume plates (tunnel lining, retaining wall)
• Resulting Force View
• Plot annotations
• Extensive report and movie generator
• PLAXIS 2D Viewer
* Some features are dependent on product level or SELECT® entitlement.
• Surface settlements and mechanical response of intact, fractured or jointed rock masses due to tunneling, mining, or reservoir depletion
• Slope stability and seepage analysis for large earth dams, tailing dams, embankments, and pit mines
• Predicting differential settlements of buildings adjacent to excavation pits
• Stability of and seepage into excavation pits and lateral displacements of diaphragm walls
• Calculate necessary consolidation time for pore pressure dissipation in undrained loading problems
• Bearing capacity and foundation settlement analysis for high-rise buildings, LNG tanks, and other structures (for example, offshore suction anchors)
• Liquefaction analysis to predict the safety of critical infrastructure such as levees or large dams under earthquake loading
• Seismic design of jetties, quays, walls, and building foundations
• Stability of dams or levees under rapid drawdown during seasonal variations of water level or during precipitation or flooding
• Ice wall formation during ground freezing in tunnel construction
• Temperature distribution and propagation into surrounding soils of nuclear waste disposal facilities
* Some features are dependent on product level or SELECT® entitlement.
• Provides a universal ID to link together all activity within Bentley applications
• Manage license entitlements at a user level, without requiring activation keys or hardware dongles
• Access personal learn material, paths and history, timely product related news, automatic product updates, and notifications
PLAXIS 2D is a finite-element software application used to model and analyze geotechnical problems.
PLAXIS is a computer application that performs finite element analyses (FEA) within the realm of geotechnical engineering, including deformation, stability and water flow. The name PLAXIS comes from PLastic and AXISymmetry, indicating the geometric types handled in the original code of the software application.
By applying interface elements PLAXIS users can simulate the interaction between a structure and soil. While without an interface no relative displacement (slipping/gapping) will be possible between structure and soil.
When interface applied, node pairs will be created at the interface of structure and soil. Each node pair consists of two nodes – one belongs to the structure and the other belongs to the soil. The interaction between these two nodes consists of two elastic-perfectly plastic springs. One elastic-perfectly plastic spring to model the gap displacement and one elastic-perfectly plastic spring to model slip displacement.
Seequent, The Bentley Subsurface Company | Seequent is the subsurface software company within Bentley Systems. Together, we’re helping build a more resilient future by connecting the built world above ground with the hidden world below it. It’s easy to purchase a Virtuoso Subscription, through Bentley’s eStore, and still get the expert technical support from Seequent’s subsurface experts.
Operating System
Windows 10, Windows 11
Graphics Card
Required: GPU with 256 MB OpenGL 3.3
Bentley strongly recommends avoiding simple onboard graphics chips in favor of a discrete GPU from the nVidia GeForce or Quadro range with at least 128-bit bus and 1 GB of RAM, or equivalent solution from ATI/AMD.
Required: Dual Core CPU, Recommended: Quad Core CPU
Recommended for 2D: minimum 4 GB. Large projects may require more.
Hard Disk
Minimum 2 GB free space on the partition where the WindowsTEMP directory resides, and 2 GB free space on the partition where projects are saved. Large projects may require significantly more space on both partitions.
For best performance, ensure that the TEMP directory and the project directory reside on the same partition.
Required: 1024 x 768 pixels, 32-bit color palette, Recommended: 1920 x 1080 pixels, 32-bit color palette
For the most up-to-date system requirements, visit Bentley Communities.