
Innovative Software for Structural Assessment and Strengthening​

Seismic Assessment and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

SeismoBuild is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures that is targeted to the design office. It is the only civil engineering software worldwide that is totally committed to structural assessment and retrofitting.

The program is capable of fully carrying out the Code defined assessment methodologies from the structural modelling through to the required analyses and the corresponding member checks. Linear Static Analysis, Linear Dynamic Analysis, Nonlinear Static Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamic analysis is available with easy generation of spectrum compatible artificial or synthetic accelerograms. Currently six Codes are supported (the Eurocodes along with the majority of the available National annexes, the American Code for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings ASCE 41-17, the Italian National Seismic Codes NTC-18 & NTC-08, the Greek Seismic Interventions Code KANEPE and the Turkish Seismic Evaluation Code TBDY). Both metric and imperial units, as well as European and US reinforcing bars types are supported.

FRP Designer Included

Since the 2023 version of SeismoBuild the new FRP Designer application is included in the installation.

FRP Designer provides an efficient solution for designing FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete columns and beams by computing the strength of reinforced concrete members strengthened with FRP laminates.

Completely Virtual Interface

No input or configuration files, programming scripts or any other time-consuming and complex text editing requirements.

Code-Defined Capacity Checks

All the code-defined capacity checks are supported (shear capacity, chord rotation capacity, inter-storey drift level, beam-column joints checks).

Nonlinear Analysis Support

Send a model to Seismosoft, in the case of modeling or convergence problems, and get assistance by our team of specialists in nonlinear analysis.

With the Building Modeller the user can model real regular or irregular 3D reinforced concrete structures within minutes.

Easy CAD-based (e.g. AutoCAD file) input; the floor’s plan view can be used as background.

More efficient way to introduce the jacketed sections.

New 3-sided, 2-sided and 1-sided jacketed sections are available.

Significantly faster analyses with the new parallel processing capabilities and a new sparse/profile solver.

Infills and steel braces implemented in the Building Modeller.

The structural input of one floor may easily be copied to any other floor.

Predefined built-in cross-sections for both existing and strengthened (jacketed) members (rectangular, L-shaped, T-shaped, circular, shear walls, normal or inverted T-beams). The retrofitting of reinforced concrete structures becomes an easy procedure within SeismoBuild.

Quick definition of the section’s reinforcement through the available reinforcement patterns.

A large number of material types may be defined for both existing and new reinforced concrete members. Libraries with the pre-defined material strengths depending on the year of construction according to tables provided by the ASCE 41-17 and KANEPE are also available.

Easy modelling of structural strengthening with Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) wraps; a large library of existing FRP materials is available.

The properties of one reinforced concrete section may be applied to others by just clicking on them.

Ability of selecting multiple members of the same section type and modify their properties at once.

Easy modelling of inclined beams and slabs.

Automatic column subdivision to model short columns.

Individual footings, Strip footings and Connecting beams are available for the modelling of foundation.

Ability to print tables with all the model members and their properties.

Straightforward definition of code-based parameters.

Simple input of limit states, building performance levels, earthquake hazard levels and knowledge levels.

Easy definition of the parameters needed for the nonlinear analysis, with a range of predefined settings schemes and detailed guidelines with suggestions by the program.

Joints ductility check is included within Linear Static and Dynamic Analysis.

Large library of nonlinear models for concrete and steel materials.

Fibre-based inelastic and elastic frame elements.

Distributed plasticity models to accurately model the distribution of inelasticity along the entire height of large walls.

Eigenvalue, pushover and dynamic analyses supported.

User defined accelerograms may be imported in nonlinear dynamic analysis.

AVI movie files can be created to better illustrate the sequence of structural deformation.

Automatic calculation of the target displacement.

Detailed and intuitive presentation of the analytical results; tables, charts and 3D plots featuring areas of plastic hinges and elements with damage are available.

All the code-defined capacity checks are supported (shear capacity, chord rotation capacity, strain capacity, inter-storey drift level, beam-column joints checks).

Checks presented on a table and on the 3D plot; the members where the capacity is exceeded are highlighted with red.

Detailed technical report in PDF, RTF or HTML format; the content (text, plots and tables) and the size of the report are determined by the users.

CAD drawings with plan views, members’ cross sections and reinforcement tables; specially created *.ctb files are included.

Easy copying of all the data, tables and plots to any other Windows application.

Possiblity to easily send a model to Seismosoft, in the case of modeling or convergence problems, and get assistance by our team of specialists in nonlinear analysis.


SI and Imperial Units
European and American reinforcing rebar types
Support for Eurocodes, ASCE 41-17, NTC-18 and NTC-08, KANEPE and TBDY
Eigenvalue analysis
Linear Static and Linear Dynamic Analysis
Nonlinear Static Analysis (Pushover)
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Model Structures up to 2 storeys and without Basement storeys
Model Structures up to 100 storeys with 3 Basement storeys
Easy CAD-based input
Predefined built-in cross-sections for both existing (rectangular, L-shaped, T-shaped, circular, shear walls, normal or inverted T-beams), strengthened (full/3-sided/2-sided/1-sided jacketed) members, infills and steel braces
Predefined material sets for existing and new members
Fibre-Reinforced Polymers (FRP) wraps with a large library of FRP materials available in the market
Geometric nonlinearities and material inelasticity are considered
Large library of nonlinear models for concrete and steel materials
Fibre-based inelastic frame elements
Elastic frame elements
Distributed plasticity models
Infill elements
Automatic calculation of the target displacement
All the code-defined capacity checks are supported
Detailed technical report in PDF, RTF or HTML format for the 1st storey; the content (text, plots and tables) and the size of the report are determined by the users
Detailed technical report in PDF, RTF or HTML format for all storeys; the content (text, plots and tables) and the size of the report are determined by the users
CAD drawings with plan views, members’ cross sections and reinforcement tables for the 1st storey; specially created *.ctb files
CAD drawings with plan views, members’ cross sections and reinforcement tables for all storeys; specially created *.ctb files
Detailed and intuitive presentation of the analytical results; tables, charts and 3D plots
Availability of features and methodologies for easier convergence
3D plots with the deformed shapes and visible locations of plastic hinges and damage
Easy copying of all the data, tables and plots to any other Windows application
AVI movies to illustrate the sequence of structural deformation
Special feature for immediately sending a model to Seismosoft in cases of convergence or modelling difficulties in order to receive assistance by our team of specialists

Completely visual interface. No input or configuration files, programming scripts or any other time-consuming and complex text editing requirements.

Seismosoft aspires to make SeismoBuild the most popular finite element analysis software for structural assessment, strengthening, and the design of structural interventions and upgrading.


Full License (Perpetual)

One-time purchase with Annual Maintenance & Support Option

(eligible for premium support plus 12 months of free updates & upgrades)

Limited Time Subscription (License Rental)

Access to the full features of SeismoBuild software
> 12-month subscription
> 6-month subscription
> 3-month subscription

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